This is my blog. It's been going for a couple of years now. I'll keep writing in it from time to time, often for no particular reason.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

A moment

There are moments where you can feel the entire direction of your life shifting. The weight of hopes, plans and daydreams tossed away as if they never were - because they never would be.

Sometimes you feel yourself to be the driver of your fate, othertimes merely a witness to events that change everything around you.

As I sat on the chair outside the first of 10 interview rooms that I was about to pass through for my medicine entry I was flooded with the feeling that what I was about to do would decide the fate of myself, Heather, our children and who knows who else. Then I entered the first room and began to respond to the task in front of me, and I became a witness to myself - there was nothing I could have done to prepare for scenarios presented, and there was barely time to read the problem. It efficiently and effectively stripped away the potential for a carefully considered response, but drew out my instinctive reaction. I just listened to myself talk.