This is my blog. It's been going for a couple of years now. I'll keep writing in it from time to time, often for no particular reason.

Friday, February 04, 2005


Most lasting impression of Fiji will be that if Noah Nadruku drank 28 half-coconuts of Kava instead of 28 beers then he would have been as placid as a lamb, Fijian people are incredibly freindly and helpful (sometimes a bit over helpful if it means there is a commission in it for them). Our first night in Nadi was at a hostel in the main street - which we walked up and down for a while looking for something to do - not a tourist in sight and heaps of locals in little groups on every street corner. Turned out that the street corner gatherings are taxi drivers waiting for business or people outside of one of the two kava sellers. We ended up sharing a plastic tub of kava with a couple of old blokes before going to the pool room next door to hang out and drink more kava with the local lads, phillip, J, and a couple of others (photos to come when lucas gets a chance). Despite being 30 degrees and very humid the night was actually quite cool after a cold shower and decent fan. Today we are at another hostel on the coral coast called the Beach house - organised activities - great beach - internet - plenty of luxuries we'll probably be without in a few days...


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