This is my blog. It's been going for a couple of years now. I'll keep writing in it from time to time, often for no particular reason.

Friday, March 04, 2005

From Buenos Aires to Puerto Madryn

This could possibly be my last chance for some time to get onto the internet so I'll give a quick run down of whats been going on....

The last two days in BA were supposed to be restful in preparation for the long haul down to Patagonia (which makes 'patagonia' sound like a specific place but is actually pretty much the bottom half of Argentina - which is a massive country). I think Australians always get told how big Australia is and we don't think about the other countries in the world with equally vast empty spaces. For example, I am currently about a similar latitude to Hobart (which is now the southernmost I've been in my life) and still have nearly 2000km to travel due south.

Anyway I went off on a tangent there. The last couple of days in BA involved some more partying with Pablo before we left, in anticipation that we could sleep for 21 hours on the bus to Puerto Madryn. Lucas managed to sleep during the night-time stint while I lay awake fighting the desire to throw up and pass out on a toilet. A sleeping pill after our breakfast stop sorted me out and I slept for the remainder of the trip and then the rest of the night when we arrived at a hostel in Puerto Madryn.

The vast majority of the landscape down to this little town was a huge flat expanse of scrubby ground cover, not a single tree in god knows how many million square kilometres. The town itself just appeared out of nowhere with no apparent reason for it's existence apart from the nearby Valdes penisula with a wide range of wildlife - which we will visit tomorrow.

Down to the glaciers and mountains of southern Patagonia in a couple of days for some camping and hiking before working our way slowly north. Internet cafe's might be few and far between so I'm not sure when the next update and email chance will be. I hope everyone is going well and enjoying themselves. Actually since Lucas has been doing all the deep and meaningful thoughts I might leave you with a thought I've got...

You don't need to travel to the other side of the world and stare at ancient churches or overwhelming glaciers in order to discover something about yourself.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Good to see you're having a great time.

Up to our eyeballs in green briefs and coord comments here. Bring a tear to your eye?

I see that reprobate Fuzz occasionally drops by - hope you're going well too you monkey.

Friday, March 04, 2005 3:45:00 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...


It's going to be interesting to see if, upon your arrival in London, it will be your corpse they are dragging of the plane or a man keen for some more beer. Good to see you and Lucas are hitting it hard and having a great time champion!

Timmo - dude, I'm wincing at the thought of co-ord comments.. I hope the pain goes away soon for you and that your generally doing well, ya bugger.

Monday, March 07, 2005 1:35:00 am

Blogger Nick said...

chaps - yes my enjoyment levels are somewhere between writing a green brief and editing the column spacing for the 15th time, ahh those were the days. The last one standing will be carrying the others corpse off the plane at Heathrow. The hiking will be the real test.

Monday, March 07, 2005 4:33:00 am


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