This is my blog. It's been going for a couple of years now. I'll keep writing in it from time to time, often for no particular reason.

Monday, May 30, 2005

The Birthday....

I had given some thought as to what I might post for my birthday installment, but whatever I had come up with will now be replaced by a quick summation of last night's events. Something we're both ashamed of but hopefully resulted in the expulsion of a demon from ourselves.

As promised to my faithful drinking partner in crime from Canberra - you know who you are, I managed to hunt down some Jim Beam for the nights celebrations (actually a pre-birthday night out as it was a Saturday). After drinking ourselves into oblivian and getting fired up talking to an American about Sept 11 we (being Lucas and I) stepped onto the street to go and check out a Colombian discoteque. When I discovered that my wallet wasn't in my pocket and I concluded that it was lost/stolen, the pent up frustrations of getting ripped off and losing or getting things stolen over the 4 months (or possibly my entire life) and lack of a gym or sport as an outlet for my energy, all welled up inside me and I cursed and kicked and punched a door or wall (not sure which, but there is paint on my shoes). When Lucas tried to restrain me I shoved him away in anger and we let loose with a tirade of insults at each other about every possible topic, then it was on.

With both us needing to vent our frustrations and subconsciously realising that fighting each other was probably the safest option we belted each other around in the street for a certain period of time before the police arrived and I was handcuffed and lead to the paddywagon, fortunately I was conscious enough to talk my out of it and explain we were just having a friendly scrap. We then went to bed (possibly before midnight even) and woke up this morning covered in scrapes and bruises, also to the request that we vacate the premises at our earliest convenience, so we slunk out with our heads hanging in shame to a new hostal, and are now recuperating. All is reconciled now as we don't even know what the fight was about and are laughing at ourselves about it.

As I said, hopefully the event was the explusion of a demon that had been with me for at least some of my 24 years, and I can begin the 25th (I suppose technically it is the 26th given that the first year is year 0 until you are 1) having done one of those things (ie. one of your best mates and you trying to beat the hell out of each other) that you probably need to do once in your life and won't need to do again.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i was just joking when i told you to punch a hole in the wall again!

who won?

Monday, May 30, 2005 8:22:00 am

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rodney will attest to the importance of a punch up with a travelling companion...some would say its all part of the rich fabric of the travel experience...
Sounds like "traveller skepticism" is starting to set it; I remember the "other tourists must die and every bugger is after my money" feeling well.

Monday, May 30, 2005 10:20:00 am

Blogger Nick said...

Gees georgia why didn't you tell me you were joking!

Yep there is definitely some traveller skepticism creeping into things.

And I forgot to mention, I didn't actually lose my wallet, jumped to a conclusion very quickly. But will sort out a new passport asap, although today is a public holiday - we have a knack of getting to capital cities on long weekends when nothing is open.

Tuesday, May 31, 2005 3:08:00 am

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Christian you are pretty quick of the mark mate... I was laughing my way through this post Nick, simply because it word for word relates several similar situations that your older brother and I found ourselves in-- doesn't it feel great punch the crap out of someone who's been living out of your pocket for the past months? It's pretty necessary to have a laugh about it the next day though. Then I flick to this comments page, and Christian had already responded.

That is awesome that you were cuffed and all Nick, and then managed to talk your way out.

Hope not too much more of your stuff gets stolen mate.

Oh by the way, I highly recommend getting involved with the Colombian women while you're there if you haven't already... my experiences have been [and currently are] top notch.

Tuesday, May 31, 2005 9:48:00 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh and happy birthday mate... I s'pose I wasn't in early with birthday wishes b'c I'm no longer punching the message bank pin at 53 central.

Tuesday, May 31, 2005 9:50:00 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Apparently some people just shouldn't drink.

Damned if I can think of anyone.

Happy birthday ya big palooka.


Tuesday, May 31, 2005 10:38:00 pm


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