This is my blog. It's been going for a couple of years now. I'll keep writing in it from time to time, often for no particular reason.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

More toilet philosophy

Twenty-nine of the 35 upside-down boats that we call roof trusses have now been built - with six to go the finish line is in sight and enormity of the roof unfolds after each lifting session. Motivation is starting to falter amongst many of the men, morning chapati and chai has become more popular (lucky for Mama Elizabeth) and slightly more drawn out, and the workers are less eager to throw themselves into the many tasks I am dishing out over the day. I don't blame them, I'm also exhausted and have to grit the teeth to begin each new roof piece and drag 5 or 6 poor souls out into the sun to do it with me. We have a couple of days of roof sheeting ahead of us now which I think is easier work for the guys on the roof as they don't seem to feel the heat of the sun as much we thin skinned wazungu.

So after collapsing at the volunteer village this afternoon, having some toast and a generously donated bowl of weetabix from Joel and Robbie and then showering I stopped off at our ever rising compost toilets. There's certainly no tectonic forces at play but the mountain is rising faster than anyone finds comfortable and a brave person will be required to soon level the playing field as best they can. The toilets are composed of two cubicles, each with two seats on varnished timber benches facing each other. Despite it appearing to be a new social experiment in toileting the seats are only supposed to be used in isolation - using one side when the other is full and has been closed off. Acoustics are good though and Heather and I often carry on conversations between the cubicles. This afternoon's conversation concerned the virtues of music and lyrics as opposed to purely instrumental music. I was suggesting that lyrics impose a thought pattern on the listener while pure music allows the mind to creatively take from the music whatever it may. While not totally disagreeing with my spontaneous conclusion Heather suggested that the lyrics allow the listener an element of escape from their life/mind/location.

Aha! I cried. And why would anyone want to escape from their life? For many reasons I suspect but if I draw the circle around Heather and I and all those people we know and are related to I can't find it reasonable to suggest that any of us should need to escape from their life/mind/location for an instant - even when having a really bad day. Regardless of how long or short life is, you've only got one and to desire trading it in for another even for a moment is like drinking a delicious cold beer and spitting it out occasionally because you fancy a soda or milk instead. What a waste! A simplified generalised analogy and comment on life, but I am a general sort of chap and quite simple as well.

Time for food. Yum.


Blogger Heather said...

Perhaps my darling if you wern't so well looked after by your girlfriend and wonderful family then you would understand that life sucks occasionally and taking time out to listen to music to tune out from the increasing winge that comes from a tired and overworked honorary chippie in Tanzania is better than throwing a bottle of booze down ones guts or eating crisps until one is obese. My point I guess is there are worse vices and worse ways to deal with situations. Your coping mechanisms faultless? I think not. I don't expect a man who see's the world in numbers to understand being swept up and hypnotised by beautiful music... peace x

Thursday, December 11, 2008 4:37:00 pm

Blogger Nick said...

gee I look forward to coming home to that every day. What a pleasure. D- for comprehension this time Heather.

Friday, December 12, 2008 3:26:00 am

Blogger Heather said...

you can give it but you can't take it huh? Get back on your roof. Truce!

Friday, December 12, 2008 3:31:00 am

Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh you two are too funny! missing your smiling faces. Happy Hoidays. ps, still not praying for you.
Georgie. xoxo

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 9:32:00 am


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