This is my blog. It's been going for a couple of years now. I'll keep writing in it from time to time, often for no particular reason.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Letting off steam....

After not really being too concerned about the loss of my Australian passport as I thought I could continue to travel on my British one, I have since discovered that I have a million hoops to jump through and seemingly require a new passport before they will let me leave the country.

Am considering changing my story and saying that I arrived via Brazil with my Britsh passport but never got it stamped when I entered Colombia due to the cargo plane situation, which is feasible. But I'll have a chat with our Honorary Consulate guy to see if he can sort something out - they are all Honorary because DFAT (or maybe DoFA) are too stingy with the money to operate proper embassies and use Aussie volunteers instead. Which means a new passport would take at least a month from when I can get all the necessary documents together.


The result has been the last two days of running around chasing our tales in Bogota as everyone has a different story to each other, and none of them seem to be right! Finding a police station took half a day, as the damn things are actually trailers that move around the city. All of this was done with Lucas carrying his surfboard around after discovering that the post office won't send a surfboard and everywhere else wants nearly $300US to do it.

In other news the military has a huge presence in Bogota and we are regularly patted down by men with machine guns sticking in our backs. Who needs a hug when you can get gentle massages from men with guns??

Anyway, back to the Consulate, and then back to the immigration office if they are still open. Any ideas on how to flee a country?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What you need, my friend, is the Medallion of King Chochacho, the Fun God. Whomsoever wears this medallion will immediately spunk up and not let stuff get to him.

Hope this helps.

Friday, June 03, 2005 8:11:00 am


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