This is my blog. It's been going for a couple of years now. I'll keep writing in it from time to time, often for no particular reason.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Senor Spielbergo

Christmas has come again, and I'm not referring to the rain and cold wind blowing today. My PV-GS150 arrived this morning. To all you non-academy award winning camera people that is a digital camcorder with a broadcast quality picture. It is about the size of my clenched right fist and has a telephoto lense, wide angle lense, various tripods, various UV filters etc etc etc.

If I don't make a number of short films that at least win the Cannes Film Festival then I will have failed Allah.

The only unfortunate thing is that I won't be doing much movie editing (or any while on the road) until I get back to Australia, so I'll be sending home stacks of MiniDV tapes from various locations.

Just realised I've never played with editing features on blogger:
  • I probably should have
  • It would have made them slightly prettier

But then again:

  1. I would have wasted more time formatting
  2. And probably got a colour that doesn't match the blue (I write on white)


And what font would I have used?

And what font would I have used?

And what font would I have used?

And what font would I have used?


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