This is my blog. It's been going for a couple of years now. I'll keep writing in it from time to time, often for no particular reason.

Monday, July 03, 2006


With only 30 minutes before it is time to leave for the airport, I thought it was time to write the final post from England (and find out my flight booking reference number).

Before I start - new photos in the gallery:

The Final Nights
Hirst Family reunion

What can I say? After all that I have said over the past 11 months that we have been here - it doesn't feel like 11 months, more like 11 years. Every month has had its own character, its own characters, like an epoch ending and beginning every 30 days or so.

There is so much more I could say, remenisce about all the adventures that have been had, all the people that I've met and that have added colour and intrigue to the life in London.

I was planning on writing a long-ish post, mentioning every person that has meant something to me and has made a difference to my time in London, and accordingly my life in general. But this blog is not about getting bogged down in one place, dwelling on all that happened there, I'll get around to that in due course. This is a record of an adventure, a window into what I am seeing and feeling. And at the moment I feeling many things, but the over riding emotion is one that I don't have a name for, but I'll try and illustrate it.

The thought of venturing into parts unknown through Iran and Afghanistan and beyond will be a difficult, challenging, enlightening experience, but the thought of doing it without my trusty companion by my side just doesn't give it the same lustre. It is even with a heavy heart that I embark on this next venture because I don't have Lucas here to share it with - it just doesn't feel right. Let me qualify that by saying that I am travelling with my family for the first month then Heather for the second month, and I am looking forward to both these trips immeasurably - but the challenge will be faced after those trips and that is where a part of my mind is dwelling and preparing itself for, that is where Lucas is the only person capable of going through hell when the time comes and still come out with a big smile and that euphoric conquering feeling.

I could ramble like this for ages, but that is not really my style. Just wanted to say thanks mate. And I really mean that, a very serious honest thanks. I couldn't have done any of what we've achieved without you - you've taught me a huge amount about myself, the world and other people and I am a better person for having had the chance to be inside each others heads for so long. I won't say good luck, you won't need it, I'll need it all because I am so carelessly unprepared, so send some this way.

Take care buddy, I'll miss you.

Hasta luego amigo


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Nick - all the best for the new stage of your journeys. Yes, travelling alone will indeed make for a very different experience, which you'll just have to turn into a positive for yourself. Remember, there are other like-minded travellers out there, and with your spirit and energy I'm sure you'll find them, and perhaps make some good friends along the way (as well as possible travel companions). One of my fears about my move to London next year is the fact that I'll be doing it alone. Coupled with a less than outgoing nature this could be a problem for me. Best wishes, Rob.

PS: Keep up the wonderful blogging. PPS: You have some rather attractive female friends. Good job!

Tuesday, July 04, 2006 4:41:00 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Howdy Nick,

After being a `silent blogger` for so many months (years!), I thought I`d post a comment from Japan just to get the red dot on the map (it looks a little lonely over here in Asia!). Best of luck with all the travels, the blogs have been fantastic and I`m sure they`ll get even more interesting on this leg of the trip. Sorry we didn`t get a chance to catch up in London, looks like you had a great farewell party, wish I was there!

Keep up the great blogs,



Thursday, July 06, 2006 6:09:00 pm

Blogger Nick said...

Thanks Badham (for the dot too) and Rob, I'm certainly looking forward to the next few months of blogging (crazy keyboards from 'backward' countries allowing), thanks for staying with me this thus far.

Saturday, July 08, 2006 2:36:00 am

Blogger futureshock101 said...

Right back at you buddy! It was a blast hey.... And just for the record, everyone else are soft travellers!!! No one knows the joy of a long walk in a strange city in the hot sun like you mate... just did one in Niagra... alone... not the same without you mate.

Saturday, July 08, 2006 7:08:00 am


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