This is my blog. It's been going for a couple of years now. I'll keep writing in it from time to time, often for no particular reason.

Friday, January 25, 2008

The Big Brother House

When we imagined what it would be like living in Africa we didn't stop for a minute to consider that our enjoyment would be critically impacted upon by our housemates. That's not to say they are rubbish housemates. Far from it. There are moments when some thoughtfulness from someone will lift the spirits enormously. But is an interesting mix of people that, had we not come here, would have otherwise never found ourselves living with.

There is Heather (age: 26) (who you know), I'm not sure what her 'image' or reputation is in the house yet - works hard (as we all do), makes funny little comments - is the nurse to whom everyone turns when they feel a bit off.

Me (age: 27). I've gotten the reputation of being the quiet one with good general knowledge.

There is Rebecka (37) - FWS President and our fearless leader and morning 'toolbox' meeting chairwoman.

Her partner Darren (37) - or Daz - the builder of everything, overlord of the worksite and labourers, laid back karate expert, supplier of the occasional cold beer.

Robert 'Corky' Cork (28) - environmental engineer, disciplinarian of the staff, occasionally rude and blunt, burnt out and sometimes irritable workaholic country boy.

Clare (54) - lovely woman in her mid-50's, hearing impaired child teacher, education coordinator along with Heather. Provider of tea and biscuits in the evenings.

Her husband Warren (55), or Woz, or Babu (grandfather in swahili). Desperate to work hard, in a tizzy sometimes, often forgetful, crooner, unaware of occasional offensive comments.

Lili (26) - friendly and well travelled German girl, with German sense of humour and German tolerance for excessive flambuoyance.

Janelle (42) - Excessively flambuoyant Aussie woman. Which most find humourous most of the time, except when tired. aka: Cash Cow, as she has a sum of money from another organisation that she may or may not give to us.

Jenna (19) - Just departed back to Aus. Mature beyond her years, avid fund raiser for FWS in Australia. Blunt in a good way, never rude.

Plus all our Tanzanian staff who are in and out of the house all day:

Mudi (Mohammed) - FWS Assistant Manager - Softly spoken, intelligent, caring, hard working superman.

Aggie - Bubbly Kenyan cook and occasional cleaner - always asking about English words ('notorious' was today's word). Source of numerous anecdotes (ie. about her)

Our 20 labourers - a variety of characters - all friendly, trustworthy men.

I should describe some of the goings on - but this is getting long enough, and every day is completely different so I forget what happens two days ago.


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