This is my blog. It's been going for a couple of years now. I'll keep writing in it from time to time, often for no particular reason.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

"Money for all"

Seems to be the subtext to the policies of the major parties during this election period. And thank goodness our level headed Liberal party policy makers have had the decency to ensure that not only will the wealthiest echelon of society receive some free money for their kiddies education in their tax rebate, but those people who do not earn enough to pay tax will, quite rightly, get nothing. Because, in this land of opportunity, it is all about choice. If you choose to work hard then you too can own a house one day. If you don't earn enough to negatively gear your investment property then that is your own fault by being a selfish lazy bugger.

In case you can't tell, I'm being sarcastic (Homer).

So while Tony Abbot continues his drive to include self-flagellation in the core curriculum for Year 7 students, John Howard continues to insult the intelligence of the Australian public - or perhaps he has gauged it correctly? On the one hand he claims the credit for the growth of the Australian economy, while on the other he refuses to take responsibility for the rise in interest rates. It doesn't take a high school certificate to realise that first, John Howard and every policy that he can conceive is not responsible for the growth in the economy or the rise in interest rates. The economy is far more complicated than that. Second, a growing economy = inflationary pressure = rise in interest rates. Perhaps that is the fact that eludes our master manager of the economy? The most fundamental macroeconomic principle that virtually the entire public service could have personally briefed him on, or perhaps all cried out in unison, whatever Herr Howard prefers. If the team of Abbot and Costello return to power we can say goodbye to the fading remnants of a decent society that values the outcomes of other peoples lives instead of the money driven rationalist fanaticism - dare I say - extremism of the most elitist self-righteous antipathetic animus cohort of politicians that one would care to imagine.

On the flip side, Kevin Rudd has been disappointing of late. A bit quiet and boring really. But can't blame him, all he needs to do to win the election is smile at the camera and not start using the word 'adumbrate' like our incumbent cucumber.

Only three days left of political advertising, praised be Allah.

I've started packing boxes in preparation for the Tanzanian tater. Uni results come out in a week. Roughly when I start my summer semester. The sun is hot and the skies are clear. Time for a gym session I do believe.


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