This is my blog. It's been going for a couple of years now. I'll keep writing in it from time to time, often for no particular reason.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Why 'flood' isn't pronounced like 'food' with an 'L' was unclear to me so I etymology dictionaried it. It is derived from the old English 'flod'. A mass of water, sea or wave.

With numerous Sydney harbours worth of water charging down the Brisbane river towards us I am contemplating whether to go to the gym. I have a sneaky medical trial that I'm doing before commencing the new job and I've been instructed not to partake in strenuous activity 7 days before dosing. Another directive said 'no new/unaccustomed strenuous activity', so I'll go with that one. The reason is that physical activity can result in increased liver enzyme production - possibly for lipolysis or other metabolic function - and this drug affects liver enzyme levels so they want a clean slate for a baseline reading. It's an antimalarial, not unlike doxycycline I suspect, as it has photosensitivity side effects.

Rain easing slightly so I might make my dash for the gym now, if only just to escape from spending the entire day in our 40sq metres of unit.

Land ahoy!


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