This is my blog. It's been going for a couple of years now. I'll keep writing in it from time to time, often for no particular reason.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Gastronomical Glory

I have just eaten possibly the best tuna salad in the history of tuna salads. Let me describe how this glorious taste sensation can be yours to enjoy as well.


A couple of cherry tomatoes, chopped dangerously (for the fingers) over a bowl
A few fileting-knife fulls of fresh pesto
Search high and low for tin opener, then use a Leatherman to open and vigourously drain one 150g tin of high quality tuna
Half a beautiful avocado, mashed absent mindedly
A generous squeeze of minced garlic
A good looking portion of italian parsely and thyme, chopped expertly
A sprinkle of sunflower seeds and pine nuts
Boil one egg then forget about it until after eating the salad
Think about putting some salt in, but don't, grind plenty of pepper in though
Drizzle some extra virgin olive oil over it
Mix it all together
Drizzle some more olive oil, taste the oil, then drizzle some more.
Enjoy the smell of it, then gobble it down while you are still standing in the kitchen.

Serves two, as it is quite filling. I nearly couldn't eat it all.

Low carb, high protien, high in good fats. A fraction fibre sparse (some wheat germ mixed in would be a nice addition I think). I might have added a little basil too perhaps if there was some on hand.

Now I will contemplate the cod fillets for this evening.

ps. People in London hate themselves, hence the outrageous addiction to fashion and obsession with their appearance. The weather is quite nice though at the moment.

bye bye


Blogger Nick said...

The cod was rancid.

So I had garlic and lime chicken tenderloins. hmmmm.

Monday, September 25, 2006 5:08:00 am

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Think your description of the ppl in London was a pretty fair one. It's funny since arriving back home, i've often wondered what it would be like to go back... a journey i'm sure i'll not be making any time soon but a thought that reguarly pops into my head. I remember the tube, the weather, the atmosphere, the working life, the personalities (inside and outside of London)and whilst i can acknowledge that there were some good times, i can't really imagine ever going back to that lifestyle. I've been back almost a yr now and yet if feels like only the other day i was catching the tube to Kingscross or Westminster.
A different life.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006 8:12:00 am


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