This is my blog. It's been going for a couple of years now. I'll keep writing in it from time to time, often for no particular reason.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Tube, Turnpike Lane and something else beggining with T

I wonder how many posts I've used alliteration in the title?

Well I've just got back from day two at work. Probably the worst thing about it is that I am using an internet cafe to write this post - not quite cosy enough with everyone to start sitting on hotmail all day - but that time will come.

Apart from that, everyone in this new job is extremely nice - exactly the kind of people who you'd expect to be working in a social policy development area - and exactly the kind of people who would like to stab the eyes out of Department of Finance people when their policy suggestions are rejected after only a skim of the title and financial implication. This is the kind of area where the 'bad guys' are the other bleeding hearts in the programme areas of the Government agency who have a bit more of a realistic grasp on what is possibly going to be accepted by Ministers (but still not a very firm grasp). But I'll hang around there for a while and see what happens - I'm still not sure of what my role is exactly - no one seems to know, at the moment I'm just reading every publication, website and email related to Dept of Health, Citizens Advice and the NHS. Although I have a feeling I'll be given a bit of work tomorrow - or maybe it's more that I hope I'll be given something to pass the time with. There's even a little part of me craving to be back at DoFA so I can take a 2 hour lunch after a long coffee with Tim, then Bobby and Tracy and then come back to my desk and do whatever work needs doing until I'm happy with how it's all going. It's the lunchtime activity that is going to kill me, a stroll around Kings Cross is no match for a game of lunchtime soccer or a run around Lake Burley-Griffin.

Shock! Horror! I am getting nostalgic about Canberra! I suppose it wasn't that bad - it just always seemed that when things would settle down soon and election was called or sudden discovery of massive errors (nearly started giving away state secrets on the internet - now that would end my public service career for good) would keep the stress levels high. But maybe one day when I return to Oz things will be a little calmer in Budget Group - with the new system and all.

Meanwhile, Turnpike Lane (6 stops up the Piccadilly line from work - Kings Cross) is a little ripper of a spot to live I reckon. Apart from the gang of youths that hang around outside our window at night time it seems to be a very friendly area - and even then I'm assuming that a gang of youths mightn't be perfect gentlemen - they were in Cuba. We are surrounded by Halal butchers and fruit and veg grocers, cost of living around here is quite a lot cheaper than closer in. And the high street is chock full of interesting clothes and other random stores.

Actually speaking of cost of living.....

Sydney is insane!! I had no idea it was that bad. Plus I think Bolivia must have been left out - I would say La Paz has a lower cost of living than Buenos Aires at least.

Anyway - I'm off to get my usual dinner (we haven't managed a food shop yet) - a curry from Salams Chicken/Chips and Curry house just around the corner from home, they play bollywood (oh we have bollywood cinema around the corner too) and other wailing kind of music that I used to hear in Indonesia - similar to the waik mok (spelling? Christian, Rob, Wizza??).

Still in the process of getting our room set up - will post some pics when we're all organised - this weekend I imagine.

XXOO (Kisses optional for the boys - I'm open minded)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Waik Mok - AKA muslim call to prayer, should be coming from a nearby Mosque.
Turnpike lane sounds like a veritable global village.
Try not to get stabbed in the eye...

Wednesday, October 12, 2005 2:21:00 pm


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