This is my blog. It's been going for a couple of years now. I'll keep writing in it from time to time, often for no particular reason.

Saturday, December 03, 2005


Well we knew November was going to be the 'nothing month' as we slipped into Winter - or maybe I was feeling nostalgic for a moustache like last year (Movember). Either way, we are one day gone into the new month and spirits are already soaring again. This is partly due to the first round of house moving that took place last night. The new apartment is a ripper, with all the creature comforts. I can't wait to get moved in tonight and be unpacked - and so Phase Three of England begins.

Found out what the end of the Piccadilly line looks like on Wednesday night, but thats another story.

I will endeavour to respond to everyone's emails over the weekend, I can't seem to get a decent hotmail session under my belt these days. Hopefully some more photos soon.....

Merry Christmas everyone. Although I'm sure I'll be posting with some more Christmas cheer prior to the big day.


Blogger Nick said...

Lucas's recent post sums up how we are feeling at the moment - ecstatic with the current situation, but also in awe of the tiny twists of fate that could have sent out whole lives in totally different directions. The mind boggles, but there is so much that boggles it in general that I had better stop letting it boggle or there'll be some excessive boggle wear and tear.

Monday, December 05, 2005 7:57:00 am


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