This is my blog. It's been going for a couple of years now. I'll keep writing in it from time to time, often for no particular reason.

Monday, November 14, 2005

Make London Smile

During last week Lucas and I had been moaning about the tediousness of the 9-5 life. Each day seemed to be a carbon copy of the previous. We had also been discussing the glumness that meets us every day on the faces of so many Londoners. So we have decided to respond to both of these problems with a combined solution......


It will give us little adventures with the possibility of making more friends and maybe brighten the day for some people. The first step was taken on Saturday morning. Lucas purchased a bunch of flowers for his girlfriend and we agreed that you get a slightly different reaction from people when you are carrying a bouquet of flowers under your arm. So I purchased a bunch as well with the intention of giving them to a stranger. It took me three hours before I came across the right person. I was paying for my uber-comfortable new trackies and socks in Primark and the African lady serving me kept glancing at the flowers with a shy smile. When I offered her the flowers her face lit up with a wonderfully big smile. It would also have made me felt quite warm and fuzzy too had I not been feeling close to death after another one of 'those nights' involving the Walkabout (both the pub and the walk home).

So Lucas is next in line to do something nice for a stranger. We have already designed a little logo and will try and advertise the theme so we get as many people as possible performing random acts of kindness to each other across London. It may seem a far fetched idea, but it's worth a try and will be fun in the process.

Also a few new photos in the gallery. I think the second page was put up last night by lucas. Some pics from the gig we went to last week and other things.

Happy Birthday to my sister Gini! Turning 20 - I can't believe it, I remember when you were just a whippersnapper being collected from the adoption agency. How time flies. Unfortunately she is in mid-exam mode which dampens the celebrations. And just as well! Boys and alcohol are bad, don't go near them Gini!!!

On another note. During my most recent traipse home, I decided to lug a stack of 50 Times Magazines (note: not 'Time Magazine') with me. One of the articles in it summarised some findings from a Cosmo magazine survey. The most disturbing finding was that two thirds of females in England (or two thirds of female English Cosmo readers) would 'upgrade' their boyfriend if they lost a stone. Can you believe that? Two thirds!! I wouldn't have been suprised if there was small proportion of imbeciles who would even consider doing such a thing. I try and convince myself regularly that people really aren't that superficial, but on the face of it - in England at least - it seems they are. And I would suggest that anyone who doesn't find that statistic a sad commentary on society here may need to have a look at themselves.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You've certainly put a smile on my face you sweet boy!

Tuesday, November 15, 2005 8:59:00 am

Blogger Nick said...

Aussie Aussie Aussie, oi oi oi!!!!

Into the 2006 Soccer World Cup we go!!!!

I am already imagining the cup coming home to Aus....

Thursday, November 17, 2005 7:42:00 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to hear there's something to smile about over there cos it certainly isn't the weather. Wish I'd been able to say hi when i was over there recently but wasn't able to get away from the wilds of leicester. And just to let you know that even when you work for a Bank it doesn't mean the service is any better, so those who don't have no hope! Eleanor

Monday, November 21, 2005 3:43:00 pm


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